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    Hedgehogs have been in serious decline since the 1950s but there are a couple of petitions by ecologist and author Hugh Warwick we can sign to help improve things for them.  

    Hugh Warwick has been studying hedgehogs for over 30 years.  

    The first petition to help hedgehogs

    A key cause of their decline is that our landscapes have been fenced off again and again into small pieces of land. 

    We need to ensure new housing developments include hedgehog highways – a 13cm hole in the bottom of the fence that will allow hedgehogs to move freely from garden to garden  in order to find food and find a mate.

    Hugh Warwick is calling on the Government to ensure every new housing development builds in a hole for hedgehog highways, thus connecting gardens for hedgehogs and creating the highways they need to survive.

    Please sign here to call on the Ministry of Housing and Planning to make hedgehog highways a legal requirement for new builds. It’s easy for developers to do.

    Sign this petition here.

    Save hedgehogs

    And of course you could (if you haven't done so already)...

    Create your own highway for hedgehogs

    Put a 13cm hole in your garden fence to allow hedgehogs to pass through freely.   It’s very easy for any of us to do, too, wherever we live.  Check out Hedgehog Street.  The British Hedgehog Preservation Society and the People’s Trust for Endangered Species run this together.    Over 53,000 people have already signed up to be Hedgehog Champions.

    The second petition to help hedgehogs

    There’s another petition on 38 Degrees by Hugh Warwick.  DEFRA has approved the A24 trap trap used in New Zealand to kill hedgehogs for use in the UK.  We need to put a stop to this trap being used.  DEFRA expects people to try to make sure hedgehogs aren’t killed or injured by the trap but there’s no-one to police it.

    Sign the petition to ban this trap here. 

  2. Please can you help the Tongass National Forest, America's largest national forest?  It's in Alaska. 

    I had an email this morning in my inbox from the Sierra Club, an organisation which was founded by conservationist John Muir in 1892. 

    The Tongass National Forest has been under a Roadless Rule protection in South East Alaska. The Trump Administration is going to remove that protection and allow clear cutting and road construction to go ahead.  This could happen within the next couple of weeks if we don't put a stop to it. 

    The Sierra Club, which has protected 250 million acres, say that Senator Lisa Murkowski and her Big Timber-backed allies endorsed the deal – and it will cause untold environmental destruction.

    Ways to get involved:


    The Sierra Club is mobilising opposition to the agreement, pushing for people to be heard, and hauling the Trump administration back into court.  They need donations to do this. The Sierra Club is ramping up legal and legislative teams and organising allies elsewhere, where similar deals will imperil forests and wildlife.

    If you can donate, please do – and help the Sierra Club protect the last wild places from being criss-crossed by roads and clear cut.

    Sign this Petition

    The Alaska WIlderness League has a petition (which I think is for the US only because I couldn't sign it) asking the US Forest Service to continue its roadless protection of the area.  Sign the petition with the Alaska Wilderness League here.  You can also donate to help the League in its work. 

    It’s time to give nature and the natural world a break and for us all to stop destroying it and I'm talking world wide here, not just in one country.  

    Find out more about the damage the Trump Administration is ready to inflict on Alaska and how you can get involved at the Alaska Wilderness League's website here.


  3. Yesterday, I had an email from Darren Grover, Head of Living Ecosystems at WWF Australia.

    WWF have had a big win for the fight for koalas in Queensland, and now they are fighting for koalas in New South Wales.  And they need all our help.

    Tree clearing and climate change are leaving koalas with nowhere to go.

    Sign WWF's petition to help koalas

    Their trees are being cut down.  The koalas are risking their lives as they hunt for food and shelter.  One in four koalas have already been lost and if nothing changes, they could be locally extinct as soon as 2050.  There’s been a massive spike in the destruction of koala habitat, with 14 hectares of koala forest being destroyed every day.  It all adds up.

    So WWF Australia are asking people to sign their petition. 

    It tells the NSW Government to stop excessive tree-clearing, and to encourage tree planting across the state to combat drought-stricken areas and give the next generation of koalas somewhere to live.  

    It’s an important time to join together and protect Australia’s land and unique wildlife who live there.

    Please support this petition and stand up for NSW Koalas and Australian wildlife

    Sign the petition here