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  1. One of Portugal’s largest animal sanctuaries is being built in the central Algarve.

    The sanctuary will consist of 3 rescue centres, jointly able to offer refuge to 600 animals in all in the boroughs of Loulé and São Brás de Alportel.

    The recently formed Animal Rescue Algarve is behind the project and British businessman and animal lover Sidney Richardson has launched Animal Rescue Algarve and brought the project to life.

    Animal Rescue Algarve has a mission to help abandoned animals in Portugal

    “Our mission is to help abandoned and sick animals by providing veterinary treatment, neutering, socialising and re-homing them” Richardson explained. 

    Work on the Cabanita rescue centre should complete in October, whilst the second rescue centre was unanimously approved by the municipal assembly on Monday 25 June.  This second centre should be completed within 8 months.

    The third phase is waiting for approval from the local council.

    ARA is very concerned that it treats animals with dignity, respect and comfort, so they are building a modern re-homing centre from scratch with an eco-friendly design.   Even the sewage system is eco-friendly as all the waste from the dogs goes to a container that filers the detritus.  This means the sanctuary can both save water and reuse it in other works.

    Sidney is looking for his Forever Home

    The facilities will include a reception, veterinary practice with operating theatre, sections for puppies, adults and senior dogs, a quarantine area, a training ground to allow for interaction between volunteers and animals, and a cat shelter.  Accommodation for employees and volunteers will ensure the rescue centre is efficiently run and surveilled around the clock.  Volunteers from abroad can help with daily tasks in exchange for accommodation and food.

    There are about 10,000 abandoned animals in Portugal and the sanctuary appreciates it cannot help them all and it pays tribute to the other rescue centres in Portugal are working with very limited resources to help animals.

    Support will be needed to help the ARA with on-going income to help care for the animals and look after them, so donations and volunteers are very welcome.

    And it wants to raise awareness of the importance of neutering in the local area and to allow the public to visit and volunteer to enable the animals to socialise with people.   They hope to allow local school children to visit the shelter and see what work it does and how much love and companionship caring for animals can give people.

    This kitten was found in a parking lot with her brother

    Richardson is doing an amazing thing by spearheading the project.   He came to Portugal from Essex 25 years ago, attracted by the climate and lifestyle and his passion for golf.  And 12 years ago, he rescued a dog who has become his best friend and changed his life.  “Instead of leaving a substantial sum of money in my will, I decided to use some of it now and see this project through,” he says.

    Which just goes to show there’s no point in waiting for the right time to help animals around the world.  The right time is now to get out there and make a difference.  

    We wish the Animal Rescue Algarve sanctuary well.   You can find out more here and donate here.

    Animal Rescue Algarve is registered charity 514692049, and registered in the council of Loulé in Faro.   Its registered name is Abrigo dos Animais and the charity name is Animal Rescue Algarve.

    Images ©Animal Rescue Algarve

  2. Humane Society International are urging everyone to sign their petition to speak out against the unbelievable cruelty that is the Yulin dog meat festival.

    The "festival" is taking place next week in Yulin, China. 

    Pets across China have been stolen.  Roaming dogs are being snatched from the streets.

    The animals are crammed on top of each other.  Humane Society International says they are transported for days without any water or food. 

    They further say that,

    Once they arrive, they’ll wait, terrified and helpless, until it’s their turn to be pulled out by the neck with iron tongs, and beaten to death to be eaten."

    Please tell the Yulin authorities this annual cruelty must end 

    Last year, the officials in Yulin tried to prohibit the sale of dog meat.  Unfortunately they overturned the ban just before the festival started.

    Human Society International and their Chinese partner groups will still push the Yulin government to end this the dog and meat trade in Yulin.   

    The event is strinking in size year by year and the numbers involved is fewer and fewer, but even one dog or cat is too many.  We must keep the pressure on. 

    Join HSI in urging Yulin authorities to take firm action this year »


  3. Islanders are busy cleaning up in Jersey in the Channel Islands.

    On Sunday between 9am and noon mid-day, the islanders were invited to join teams from a number of businesses and organisations to clean the island’s beaches.

    Those taking part are being encouraged to help the Shark Trust  by collecting any shark, ray or skate egg cases - also known as mermaid’s purses – to help with a national study.


    Teams from the Jersey Evening Post (the island’s newspaper), Jersey Gas, Jersey Electricity, the Probation Service and Close Finance will help to clean the beaches.  Volunteers from Santander will clean up on Friday.

    It’s great to see government organisations and employers getting active and getting involved.   To my mind, these are team building days with real meaning and purpose that should give everyone involved the feel-good factor afterwards and leave our beaches feeling a lot cleaner as well. 

    You can join the Shark Trust and become a member - find out more here