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    There’s a lot of worldwide interest in the forthcoming marriage of Prince Harry to American actress Meghan Markle.

    Could she encourage him to give up the horrible tradition the Royals have of killing wild animals?

    Prince Harry and some of his friends reportedly killed 15 wild boar recently on a hunting trip in Germany. 

    Shot for fun

    Sign this petition to ask the Royal Family to STOP participating in blood sports.

    On Boxing Day, however, Prince Harry chose not to take part in the shoot with the rest of his family.  Apparently, Meghan had asked him not to do it. Could it be that she is trying to persuade him to change his ways and stop such actions?

    Care2.com member Alexandra has started a petition asking The Royal Family to stop participating in bloodsports.

    At the time of writing, the petition already has over 67,000 supporters – click here to add your support to it and to ask the Royal Family to stop participating in blood sports.



  2. Calling all donkey lovers

    Please sign Care2.com's petition to put pressure on African countries to STOP the donkey slaughter. 

    Stop the Donkey Slaughter
    Stop the Donkey Slaughter

    The animals are crowded together in appalling conditions, where they are frightened, neglected and mistreated — and that's all before they are slaughtered for their skins and other body parts.  

    100,000 donkeys were slaughtered in Kenya alone over the last year.   

    Roughly 10 million animals are killed every year in this donkey trade. 

    As donkey populations fall in China, so the market for them is turning to Africa to satisfy the need for donkey skins and body parts.

    Botswana, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Ethiopia and Tanzania have now all banned the slaughter and export of donkeys.  However, Kenya and South Africa need persuading to do the right thing.  Both need the income from animal-loving international tourists - so our voices matter. 

    Sign Care2.com's petition urging the prime minister of Kenya and president of South Africa to ban the export of donkey parts now.


  3. We hear a lot more about recycling and reusing things these days so here's an interesting one for you:

    Panda poo is to be turned into tissue paper.

    Panda poo to become toilet tissue
    Copyright https://www.ecns.cn

    A company situated in Sichuan in China hopes to market our love of pandas into a niche form of toilet tissue, napkins and other household products

    The China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center in Sichuan has signed an agreement with Qianwei Fengsheng Paper to offer panda poo and food residue to the company, which will be turned into products we can use.

    The food residue and panda poo from the bases in Dujiangyan, Wolong and Bifengxia are used to extract bamboo fibers.   Pandas help the company extract fibre during the digestion process and it leaves the fibre in its poo. 

    Adult pandas can eat 12 to 15 kg of bamboo.   About 4 hours later, that becomes 10 kg of poo.   And pandas can generate about 50 kg of bamboo reisdue every day, when they eat as they spit out bamboo husks after chewing.

    After being collected, the poo and residue will be boiled, pasteurised and turned into paper, it will be tested for bacteria before going on sale.

    So turning this food residue and panda poo into tissue helps the Panda Research Centre to deal with the waste.