Our Blog - Ways to help animals

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  1. It's an amazing feeling to help animals on the other side of the world from your  armchair and technology at home.


    And here’s a great example for anyone who loves horses as to a way you can do just that.


    SPANA is an international charity doing some amazing things for working animals (horses, donkeys, mules, camels and elephants) around the world. 


    I've seen them at work in Morocco.   In fact, SPANA have just won an award for this work from the Moroccan Ministry of Tourism for their work in protecting and improving the condition of caleche horses in Morocco.

    A great thing about SPANA's work is that they treat - AND they train - AND they teach - a powerful combination. 

    And SPANA have a number of outreach projects, such as the one in Mongolia (plus many other countries as well).  Here herders used to rely on the ancient wells to give life-giving water for their animals – horses, yaks, camels, sheep and goats.  They've just sent me details of their need for our help to prevent more suffering.

    Many wells in Mongolia have become damaged and they cannot be used.  Plus natural disasters such as dzuds (a drought summer followed by an extremely harsh winter when temperatures drop to below -50 degrees C and climate change which is causing far less rain to fall means that other natural sources of water are drying up. 


    Horses who are already exhausted are having to travel further each day just to be able to drink and survive.  Sometimes, they have to travel 40 miles.


    You can help these horses from the comfort of your home!


    Herders have to keep moving to find water.   Horses struggle to carry loads over rough, dangerous ground.  Many are severely dehydrated and prone to injuries such as gashed legs and scraped knees when they stumble and fall. 


    So how can you and I help these horses?


    SPANA has been working with a trusted partner, CAMDA, for years.   CAMDA have worked with herding communities for years so they are respected and trusted.  

    CAMDA have built wells where there are no rivers, lakes or water sources, so the animals don’t have to travel so far to get water.  Wells are sustainably dug to a depth of 5 to 10 metres, so they won’t freeze over or dry up.


    One well can save hundreds of animals from pain and hardship.


    Ten wells can help close to 14,400 animals - horses, yaks, sheep, camels - and people who depend on them for their livelihoods.


    £20 could go towards the labour cost of building a new pit well in Mongolia.

    £80 could go to essential materials such as cement and timber to build a new pit well.

    £100 could go to other vital projects SPANA is involved with to help more working animals.


    Click here to help these horses and other working animals in Mongolia or call 0300 033 4999.  

    This could be a treat Christmas gift for a horse lover or a gift from you to the animals of Mongolia.