Our Blog - Ways to help animals

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  1. The 14th July is World Orca Day.

    PETA have a petition asking TUI to stop selling tickets to SeaWorld and other facilities that hold orcas captive in cramped tanks at marine abusement parks.

    At SeaWorld, PETA say that orcas live in cramped concrete tanks.  There’s no physical, mental or emotional stimulation so they spent their days going round in circle after circle.

    Please sign PETA's petition to TUI

    At least 41 orcas and dozens of other dolphins have died at SeaWorld Parks from various causes including trauma, intestinal gangrene and chronic cardiovascular failure.  They are used in circus-style shows which are out of date now, thank goodness.

    Many travel providers have cut their ties with marine parks.  British Airways Holidays and Virgin Holidays said “No thanks” to keeping marine mammals in tanks.  They were followed by Airbnb, TripAdvisory and Booking.com.

    Please send a message to TUI and remind them that keeping orcas in tanks is wrong.  It’s time they followed the example of the aforementioned.

    Please sign the petition here


  2. The 14th July is World Chimpanzee Day!

    It’s a chance to celebrate our closest living relative in the animal kingdom, and to discover more about these amazing animals and see what we can do to help them.

    Chimpanzees face threats in the wild such as habitat loss, disease and wildlife trafficking, illegal pet and bush meat trades.  


    Those who are kept in captivity as illegal “pets” or in roadside zoos are deprived of essential physical, emotional and especially social needs.  Events such as World Chimpanzee Day help educate the public and promote legislation to end these conditions, increasing the rights and welfare of all captive chimpanzees.

    Let’s work to secure a future for these amazing animals.

    For they are highly endangered.  100 years ago, there were about 1-2 million chimpanzees across African countries.

    Today, there are as few as 350,000 wild chimpanzees in Africa. 

    Visit World Chimpanzee Day’s website here.


    Visit the Jane Goodall Institute to find out more


  3. Free Korean Dogs has just turned 5 years old so we wanted to congratulate them and raise awareness of the incredible work they are doing to save dogs from Korea’s dog meat farms.

    Free Korean Dogs is a Canadian charity (BN:80580 0166RR0001) which was founded in Toronto back in 2015.  It rescues dogs from Korea’s dog meat trade and finds their forever homes in Canada.

    The problem in Korea…

    Millions of dogs are killed for meat every year in Korea.  They are kept in tiny cages which are overcrowded on these farms.  There’s no water or shelter from the weather and they just have waste scraps for food.  Worse still, it is common practice (and this is very upsetting) for dogs to be tortured before they are killed in the mistaken belief that this enhances flavour and nutritional healing properties.  There is no evidence to support these claims, of course.

    Help dogs in Korea find new lives and save them from Korea's dog meat trade
    Help dogs in Korea find new lives
    and save them from Korea's meat trade

    Korea commercially farms dogs for food.  Dogs can be obtained by any means.  Some are farmed, some captured as strays.  There is no punishment for the way they are treated, no legislation regulating the dog meat trade. 

    How Free Korean Dogs are tackling the problem

    Free Korean Dogs has a rescue and adoption programme.  Since 2015, they have:

    • Shut down 2 dog meat farm operations
    • Rescued over 200 dogs from the dog meat trade
    • Found forever homes for over 700 dogs rescued from euthanasia or the risk of being forced into the meat trade
    • Continued to promote public awareness to create a cultural shift from cruelty to compassion for dogs in Korea via campaigns, protests and events.

    Please raise awareness of this charity and the work it is doing.

    Ways to help include and I quote (almost!)

    1. Adopt a dog rescued from the Korean dog meat trade.
    2. Donate today to support their adoption, awareness and community building efforts.
    3. Sign up for their newsletter and following them on social media
    4. Contact them with any questions or to learn more.
    5. Check out their Amazon wish list