Our Blog - Ways to help animals

Welcome to our blog which will will have all sorts of news, stories, appeals and more!   

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    The Lluest Horse and Pony Trust urgently need the help of us many of us as possible.  They are situated on a 40 acre site in the stunning Brecon Beacons. 

    In March 2023, they announced on Facebook that they were sadly having to close after 38 years of rescuing horses and ponies.  This was due to some horrendous and unexpected repair bills that had come in.

    You could sponsor a donkey as Misty, or a pony, or a stable

    You could sponsor a donkey as the cheeky Misty,
    or a pony, or a stable

    The Trust’s basic running costs are £10,000 a month.  The Trust’s work is funded by donations, legacies and a few successful grants. 

    Can you please spare £2 a month to help Lluest?

    Lluest Horse and Pony Trust are asking everyone to donate just £2 a month by standing order to help them.  They need 5,000 people to donate this amount to cover their monthly running costs.

    This would leave them free to concentrate on the rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming of equines who desperately need the help of the Lluest team.

    Please help us all!  We need you!
    Please help us all!  We need you!

    Other ways to help are:

    We cannot let this amazing rescue close and we need to give them all the help we can.  Please help if you can.

    You can visit their website here to find out more.

    Visit their Facebook page here.

    Images copyright Lluest Horse and Pony Trust


    Tonight, Thursday 17 November 2022, there's a programme on ITV at 8:30pm called Pets:  The Cost of Living - Tonight

    The reporter Chris Choi finds out how some owners are coping with the cost of living crisis. 

    Visit ITV here

    Animal Charities have lots of information on how to cope with the cost of living crisis as they are very much affected by it, so if you are in a position to help them, please contact your local one and see what you can do.

    Pet food banks have been springing up everywhere - here's our list of pet food banks in the UK (which we're adding to).

    Meantime, take a look at Cats Protection who have ways to help and the RSCA who amongst other things have advice for horse/pony owners  plus looking after exotic pets  

    Cost of living crisis: Eight tips to save money while still caring for your pet

    Pet health care costs

    Find a pet food bank

    What to do if you can't afford your pet




    This event is absolutely horrific - PETA have just sent an email about it and PETA is urging us all to sign a petition asking the Spanish to stop it.

    Help End the Sadistic 'Fire Bull' Festival in Soria

    Warning, there is a horrible picture as you click through of a bull and fire, but please, please scroll down fast and get the petition signed.  The sooner the Spanish cancel this horrible event the better.  It has no place in the modern world.  

    This is still going on in 2024, so PETA need our support.

    Please sign here