Our Blog - Ways to help animals

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  1. Please help horses by signing this petition
    Please help horses by signing this petition

    World Horse Welfare needs your help with a petition to help horses.

    Around 26,000 horses are transported needlessly across Europe to slaughter every year.  They travel thousands of miles, with little chance to rest, eat or drink during journeys which can last for days on end.  And they arrive at their destination severely hydrated, stressed, totally drained of energy, in pain and broken in spirit.

    World Horse Welfare is calling on the European Commission to change the law and impose a maximum journey limit of no more than 12 hours. 

    Already the numbers being transported from 165,000 in 2001 to about 26,000 today. 

    There are just 3 days left to bring the UK’s pressure to bear on the European Commission as it works to put a stop to the long distance transport of horses across to slaughter by 2027.

    Please sign here.


  2. Toothbrushes are one of the very common items found in plastic rubbish coming up to shore.

    If you're looking to say goodbye to plastic and are trying to find a suitable toothbrush, take a look at Natural Collection

    This online store has a number of different bamboo toothbrushes, including the Environmental Bamboo Toothbrush for £2.95 each. 

    The biodegradable bamboo handle can be turned into compost - you have to remove the bristle first and put it in the recycling bin - or if you send it to landfill, it will degrade far faster than a plastic toothbrush. 

    Visit Natural Collection to see their range of Environmental Toothbrushes

    Visit Natural Collection to see their range of Environmental Toothbrushes

    The more we can reduce our use of plastic, the better for wildlife.


  3. This tiger has no voice - so please give this poor animal your voice.

    The tiger is in a tiny cage in Greece.  

    Sign this petition here with Care2.com

    In Rhodes in Greece, the Esperos Village Hotel is keeping a tiger in inhumane conditions.

    All our signatures are needed to urge the hotel to release the tiger to a sanctuary now.   

    The hotel owns thousands of acres of land but this tiger is in a tiny cage.  The only source of shade is a metal container - and that can get boiling hot in the summer heat.  

    The tiger is supposed to be an attraction for its guests - but visitors often throw stones and rocks on top of the netting covering the tiger's enclosures. 

    The tiger needs to go to a sanctuary that can offer a more natural home and veterinary care.   

    Sign the petition urging the Esperos Village Hotel to release its tiger to a sanctuary.