On Wednesday 16th November, #GoOrange for orangutans
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Add orange to your life on Wednesday 16th November
Next week is Orangutan Caring Week. It runs from 13th to 19th November in 2022.
The aim is to raise awareness of the challenges orangutans and their rainforest home are facing. And to help people take part, there is one very easy activity we can all do on #Orange for Orangutan Day ©. And that is to add orange to your life on the 16th November!
On the 16th November, please #GoOrange
The idea is that we all make a big ORANGE SPLASH on the day by finding anything orange to wear to raise awareness and funds for the critically endangered orangutan.
The Orangutan Foundation has an INFORMATION PACK you can download and a POSTER you can put up.
You could also do a cake sale, have an orangutan themed tea party, dress in orange, eat baked beans – and go on social media with the hashtags
This is a great chance to have a bit of fun and raise awareness of the orangutan.
Ways to support the Orangutan Foundation:
You could adopt an orangutan as a gift for a nature lover
Image © Orangutan Foundation
Buy a calendar for 2023 from the Orangutan Foundation
for £12.00
Other ways to help include:
- #GoOrange to raise awareness of the plight of the orangutan – join in on the day.
- Sponsor an acre of orangutan habitat from £2.00
- Make an online donation
- Become a guardian of the Lamandau Wildlife Reserve (that’s £200) and actively protect 158,144 acres of tropical peat forest in Central Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. There are 600 orangutans, and their number will go up as more are rescued and released, and also thousands of species under threat such as gibbons, pangolins, clouded leopards, sun bears and proboscis monkeys. You can pay this monthly (£16.50)
- Become a member
- Spread the word about Orangutan Caring Week and find out more about it
- Find out more about orangutans and why they are critically endangered here
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